NG-SOS Cross-Border Initiative

Together, we're breaking down the boundaries of emergency communication!

Emergency call mobile apps from the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia today represent the most widespread homogeneous group of countries to feature cross-border functionality within their emergency mobile apps. Now, thanks to the support of the Vodafone Foundation, the NG-SOS family of apps has opened its arms to other apps with a single goal: to ensure basic data transfer and interoperability of all users’ mobile apps across as many countries as possible. And all of this is to be achieved on a non-profit basis, without imposing further complicated requirements on operators of emergency call mobile apps.

We can provide the app operators and organisations running an emergency app with an interface for connecting to a Roaming server free of charge. Or we will simply adopt the already up-and-running app interface of the partner app in order to simplify the process of interconnection without any further work needed on the partner side. If the partner's app is located in a territory covered by the NG-SOS platform, the data is transmitted directly to the emergency line system – functioning exactly as it has been doing so for the past 4 years between the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia. This cooperation is run on a non-commercial basis in the form of a memorandum on the exchange of mobile app interfaces. The Roaming server is operated free of charge thanks to the support of the Vodafone Foundation.

In addition to cross-border sharing of basic data in the case of emergency communication (localisation, classification, and caller identification), the NG-SOS platform is also the first ever initiative to connect AED databases across several EU states.

Declaration: The NG-SOS initiative is in no way directed against other commercial or non-commercial projects to unify communication between several countries. Our goal is to generically enable the connection of mobile apps for the transfer of basic datasets with the caller’s location, classification, and identification to emergency lines. All of this is possible thanks to the unique experience of operating the most widely used system of cross-border cooperation in Europe, and all ideally in cooperation with other partners.

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